Noosa Clothing Boutiques + Ceramics - Harper St

Noosa Clothing Boutiques + Ceramics

Noosa Clothing Boutiques always offer shoppers everything they could wish for, but some people require more variety when shopping. Harper St, located in Peregian Beach, proudly offers an earthy ceramic collection from Marmoset Found has an emphasis on timeless and functional ceramic design which marries perfectly into our fashion boutique. Marmoset Found focuses on releasing pieces that harmoniously blend with existing Marmoset Found ceramics, add value and are treasured.  

Meet designer and owner Nareen Holloway. 

Tell us about who you are and what you do?

Previously I managed the retail arm of streetwear label Stussy.  After having my 3 children I wanted a more flexible career and returned to uni to study International Development. This taught me the skills to do business in an ethical and sustainable way. I spend a lot of my time on designs for new products. Our manufacturers' are small family businesses that I know well. In the days when we could travel freely, I would visit regularly and have dinners with their extended family.

What’s something you do every day which sets your creativity on fire?

Music, walking and coffee.

What are your favourite moments so far in your career?

Possibly when we realised at a trade fair that a large, major wholesaler had copied our entire collection and we quickly started over to redesign our range from scratch,  It turned out to be the best thing that happened as our customers LOVED our new range which we still manufacture to this day.

What’s the most treasured item in your home? 

I adore my LRNCE vase that I purchased when visiting the studios in Morocco several years ago.

What does your average work day look like?

Usually, I am up around 6.30am and have a cup of tea while scanning any emails that have come in overnight. I also check the news briefly before getting the kids off to school. Then a walk or pilates before logging on to the computer. Each day is quite varied ...I could be on a photo shoot, in the warehouse helping pack orders, unpacking samples, having design meetings with our manufacturers or tending to customer enquiries.

Can you pinpoint the moment your hobby turned into a profession? 

Probably after our first trade fair when we were absolutely run off our feet. 

There were customers 5 deep waiting to see us and we could not stop to catch our breath for 4 straight days.

What’s a skill you want to accomplish in 2021

I would love to become a proficient and enthusiastic ocean swimmer - throughout all seasons. I hate cold water so this will be a serious challenge!

If you could collaborate with anyone (brand or individual) who would it be? 

Stay tuned as this has just happened and will be launched in just a few months' time! It has been around a year in the making and is so exciting for us.

If you could see your work displayed absolutely anywhere, where would it be? 

Luckily we are displayed in some of my dream locations already - HEIDE Museum of Modern Art and The National Gallery of Australia to name a couple.

You’ve got a week off… where are you headed?

I can't even imagine heading off somewhere at the moment but pre covid I would have perhaps spent a week in Tasmania hiking or headed north to Fitzroy Island.

What’s your favourite project/design so far and why?

My favourite pieces are some of our longest-running styles and also the simplest. I adore our tableware - bowls, plates, platters and mugs. They are all we use at home and are in and out of the dishwasher all day long. The Yala jug has a permanent place on our dining room table.

What's your signature dish?

My family loves my eggplant parmigiana made with loads of fresh basil and ricotta, yum!

How do you stay balanced?

I am a Libra and always feel as if my equilibrium is out. To create the balance I try to get out in nature, as much as possible.

Minimalist or Maximalist

Ooooh, I absolutely love raw, earthy minimalism but truth be told with 3 kids I think my home leans towards restrained maximalism.

I couldn’t get through the weekend without……

Reading the weekend papers and a visit to the local farmers market.

Made In: Our products are made in Vietnam, India, the Philippines, China and Thailand

Where to find you

Name: Nareen Holloway

Business Name: Marmoset Found


Instagram: @marmosetfound

Facebook: marmoset found